Captains Update: August 2020

I have been busy over the last few weeks organising my Captain’s Day, which took place on Saturday 25th July. The weather held up reasonably well and most people that I have spoken to since said that they really enjoyed the day. The format for the Captain’s Day competition – a Las Vegas style Texas Scramble – proved to be a big success with many teams enjoying the mix of golf skill and an element of luck (either good or bad!) that the format provided.

I am grateful to all of the people who contributed the numerous raffle prizes comprising alcoholic drinks, golf balls and even a golf wedge! I intend to thank all contributors individually.

I was pleased to see a lot of members enjoying the served buffet meal and a few drinks in the clubhouse lounge after they had competed.

Most importantly, my Captain’s Day was a huge fundraising success for my Captain’s Charity, Zoe’s Place. I will include a full report of the total amounts raised, golf competition and raffle prize winners in the Captain’s section of the next, September, newsletter.

I have recently been attending the latest round of Teesside Union golf matches.  The SGC team have done really well to date and at the time of writing, currently sit 2nd in the league table.

Don Stubbs

Club Captain