The House Committee Update: December, 2019

Club House with hanging baskets

It has been a fairly busy year for the House Committee and I do thank all of my committee colleagues and additional volunteers for their great support throughout the past year in tackling the many repairs that keep popping up within and around the Saltburn Golf Club Clubhouse and facilities.

As you are all aware, Christmas is just around the corner and one of our sponsors, Peter Carruthers of Carruthers Jewellers in Saltburn, has offered a 20% discount to all members should they wish to buy something for that ‘special person’!

By way of update, the bar tops will be replaced starting on Monday 13th January 2020.  Any disruption will be kept to the minimum. The scale of work will mean using either the bar or the lounge bar whilst work in the other room is underway. Notices will be displayed before work starts.

Two new, more powerful hand dryers will be fitted in the changing room toilet areas during December. The House Committee would like to thank the ‘Key Draw’ and the Ladies sections for their donations of £200 each towards the cost of the hand dryers.

The lost and found box will be emptied in January and the contents stored in the loft. Some further maintenance of fire alarms and smoke detectors will also be undertaken in the New Year. These protection systems are being reviewed to ensure that we are meeting current legislation requirements and we will provide more details to members when we know the finer details.

Many golf shoes are being left in the men’s locker room underneath the bench. If you have a locker please put them away and if you don’t, please take them away and bring them back when you next play.  

I would like to close by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

 Fred Pattison

House Chair