Captains Update: December, 2019


Message from Incoming Men’s Captain

It is an honour to have been asked to be Captain of Saltburn Golf Club for 2020.  I would like to personally thank Darren Nalton, our Captain prior to our 125th Anniversary year, for asking me to be his Vice Captain and for the opportunity and privilege of representing the Club. I have been a member of the golf club for 15 years now and I am currently the Chair of the Greens Committee, a role that I have fulfilled for the last 3 years.

I have a couple of events booked for my Captains Exchange and Captains Away days which are in the diary already. I have booked Blackwell Grange on Friday 19th June 2020 and Malton and Norton on Friday 17th July respectively. The latter event will be my official Captain’s Away Day – please note that the date has changed, due to Malton double booking the initial date.

My Captains day at Saltburn Golf Club will be on Saturday 25th July.  

In the short term I have arranged an England v The Rest of The World competition for Friday 27th December. This competition will be open to entry by both Ladies and Men and a start sheet will be posted on the notice board in the clubhouse foyer within the next few days. A £5 entry fee is payable and the competition will commence from a shotgun start. A draw will be made on the day for starting tees, so you will be drawing your number from a hat and there can be no reason for anyone to think that they have been unfairly given an unfavourable tee 😊. The entry fee includes a Pie and Pea lunch in the clubhouse after the event.

My Captains charity for 2020 will be Zoë’s Place and our new Lady Captain, Rebecca Maylard. has also kindly agreed to support this fantastic and deserving charity throughout the year.

I am really looking forward to what I know will be a busy, but hopefully enjoyable year for Saltburn Golf Club. I would also like to take the opportunity to wish Rebecca good luck for the year ahead. I look forward to the New Year Captain’s drive-in, where everyone is most welcome to attend.

Can I close by wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and a great New Year in 2020!

Don Stubbs, Captain 2020

Message from Incoming Lady Captain

Having been at Saltburn Golf Club for only a short time, I was delighted to accept the offer to become Ladies Captain.  Our friendly Ladies Section is expanding and my aim this year is to ensure that, wherever possible, all Ladies are included in our golfing activities on Tuesdays, Thursdays and our now regular Sunday competitions.  We should also not forget our many social events, with a forthcoming Christmas Party, coffee morning and Christmas Carol Fun Competition planned for the remainder of this year. 

During 2020, myself and the Men’s Club Captain, Don Stubbs, will be supporting the charity Zoe's Place.   As a reminder the Captains drive-in will be on the 1st January 2020 - both Don and myself would like to invite you to join us for a short time to welcome in the new golfing year. 

I would like to end by thanking Karen Stowe who has agreed to become my Ladies Vice-Captain.  We both look forward to supporting the Saltburn Golf Club - Ladies Section in 2020 and send our best wishes for a Happy Christmas and great golfing New Year.

Rebecca Maylard
Lady Captain 2020